Tomaat Toasty (tussendoortje)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sed diam sapien. Sed semper urna dictum tellus lacinia vehicula. Ut volutpat, augue vel auctor tincidunt, ligula sem pharetra dui, nec tincidunt ante mauris eu diam. Phasellus viverra nisl vitae cursus euismod. Suspendisse sit amet est lectus.
Sed congue nunc pharetra dignissim aliquet. Fusce elementum eros aliquam, sodales nisi quis, sodales magna. Integer congue convallis adipiscing. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed sed erat quis ligula posuere luctus commodo luctus felis. Quisque non sem a enim iaculis venenatis vitae at lorem.
Phasellus eleifend sapien quam, ut euismod ante fringilla eget. Cras ut libero porttitor, dapibus ante non, lacinia odio. Curabitur id eros vitae elit feugiat commodo ut eu justo. Pellentesque sed porta libero, venenatis fermentum lacus.
Praesent metus velit, imperdiet a aliquam et, imperdiet ac dolor
Vivamus commodo turpis vitae ligula luctus malesuada. Quisque non turpis ac felis molestie bibendum nec eget sem. Mauris feugiat pretium est, at iaculis est. Integer nec eros velit. Aenean rutrum, sapien non consectetur gravida, lectus velit tristique ligula, vel sagittis est nulla et velit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed porttitor tincidunt urna, vel placerat dui commodo a. Integer placerat arcu et neque sollicitudin vestibulum. Etiam ullamcorper sodales lectus, non condimentum nisi vehicula ut. Fusce pretium nisi purus, vitae blandit velit accumsan non. In ultricies rhoncus nunc, et lobortis erat dapibus in. Ut nec diam non nulla bibendum ornare. Maecenas porta pharetra consequat. Proin pulvinar viverra dictum.
I loved working with Katy!! She made the experience for me very comfortable. The meal plans that she set up worked for me in my everyday life and balanced with me and my family. I would definitely recommend her. She is great when it comes to keeping you motivated. I reached my goal and have continued to keep it off. Thank you for all your help.

Clothes designer PlushI am working with Katy since March 2020. I am 46 years old and when we started, I weighed 128,4 kg (188 cm). From the 1st day, Katy had an extremely positive and can-do approach. As a professional Nutrition consultant, she doesn’t offer a typical diet service that you just follow. She takes you through a different way of living. For example, in my case the biggest advice that I never had in the past was a simple one: buy a scale for your kitchen and weigh everything you eat!!!! You understand that it is not matter of what you eat but measure it and track the progress. Katy’s guidance also emphasizes the importance of specific vitamins and supplement intake.
My initial target was to go below 115kg until June 2020. I reached that target by mid of May 2020 (in just 7 weeks)!!! And to think that I achieved this level mainly by controlling what I was eating without losing taste. Now we are placing a new target, to go at 109kg by end of June 2020. We are talking about for 21 Kg in 3 months!!!
The hardest hurdle is the psychological battle that you face in your journey. Katy provided me a continuous consultation, support and practical tips & tricks throughout this process, combined with unique and tailored personal training. So, in that sense she offers an end2end target service.
I am extremely happy that I got to know Katy and my investment in her is paying off very fast!!!
Senior IT-directeur“Working with Katy has literally been life changing.
I have much more energy, I sleep better and have lost weight! From 101 kg and now I’m around 86kg!!
She is a great weight consultant giving clear explanations for her recommendations and breaking down her suggested changes into manageable and realistic chunks.
I can whole heartedly recommend Katy as a professional with a huge amount of knowledge but also a huge amount of practicality and understanding. “
Katy heeft me geholpen met een gezondere leefstijl op een manier die voor mij makkelijk vol te houden is, met simpele dingen zoals geen suiker houdende frisdrank en een beetje bewegen.
Maar wel met lekker eten! (Alleen wat bewuster). Tijdens mijn programma met Katy ik ben ook gestopt met roken 🙂

Bart de Brune
KapteinSince I know myself I’ve been trying many diets but none of them worked for me. I felt hungry all the time and eating wasn’t helping. I had my intake with Katy at 1st of February 2016 (I was 99,80 kg). She supported me and told me that its going to work. She made me believe in myself. I never liked sporting but with walking and home training what I got in my program and suitable meals recipes on 20 May 2016, I become 78 Kg.
Now I don’t feel hungry anymore with my sugar levels are more balanced (almost no sugar rush anymore).
The best part of Katy’s program was that I might have regular meals without diets!

Diana Smith
TeacherQuisque imperdiet elementum tortor vel pretium
Quisque non tempus ante. Pellentesque eget lectus varius, molestie felis et, rhoncus nisl. Nullam eget mauris quis sem laoreet semper et non tellus. Sed tempus urna sed blandit cursus. Phasellus molestie condimentum egestas. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. In rutrum posuere orci, at dignissim lacus sagittis ut.
Morbi cursus ipsum at nunc semper, sit amet convallis purus scelerisque. Suspendisse condimentum diam id feugiat sagittis. Nullam erat nulla, auctor id lectus id, dapibus molestie mauris. Nam ultrices metus ac quam varius malesuada. Donec iaculis ipsum eu justo ullamcorper volutpat in vel nisl. Integer vehicula purus in sagittis rhoncus. In quis turpis ac sapien semper lacinia. Donec non metus nibh.
Sed et ante at dui porta condimentum vel nec ante.
Proin dapibus, nunc ac tempor venenatis, tellus tortor hendrerit sem, a sollicitudin neque justo fermentum ante. Quisque non turpis sem. Cras mi quam, congue sit amet elementum ut, egestas vitae felis. Quisque facilisis magna id tortor malesuada, at molestie purus posuere. Aenean eget malesuada odio. Aliquam porta varius molestie. Pellentesque auctor faucibus lectus, in consectetur mauris facilisis at. Donec sollicitudin venenatis orci vel aliquet. Etiam commodo nulla turpis, nec interdum est rutrum at. Sed a dui porta, faucibus leo ac, accumsan risus. Donec posuere faucibus ante, vel viverra nunc blandit ut. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas mollis eu metus et eleifend. Nunc ut nunc vitae tellus ornare imperdiet.
Mahbubeh Gasemzadeh
Coachen en motiveren is precies wat Katy voor mij deed om te helpen mijn doelen te bereiken. Ik heb...
Mahbubeh Gasemzade
Coachen en motiveren is precies wat Katy voor mij deed om te helpen mijn doelen te bereiken. Ik heb...
Robbert van der vlerk
Via een advertentie in de Wijkkrant heb ik me aangemeld bij Mijn Lijf in Balans. Katy heeft veel voo...
Haniye Verschoor
I had problems with my weight loss since I was a teenager. I tried lots of diets. When I met Katy (m...
Matteo Zira Grilli
I found Katy while I was working in the Netherlands. I wanted to lose some weight but I like food an...